Étienne Grau
Assistant professor
Polymers prepared from coordination-insertion polymerization are the most abundant at the industrial scale, but there are very few examples of such polymerization on bio-based olefins.
There is thus a high interest to polymerize and copolymerize, via this route, bio-based molecules possessing carbon-carbon double-bonds such as terpenes, phenylpropanoides, fatty acids, among others. Moreover these olefins can be copolymerized with ethylene resulting in functionalized polyethylene.
In this purpose, the state-of-the-art coordination-insertion catalysts developed in the last decade will be evaluated. Some catalysts (e.g. Drent or Takeuchi catalysts) are reported to polymerize bulky and/or polar olefins that could efficiently synthesize bio-based polymers by coordination-insertion polymerization. They will be used to synthesize many different bio-sourced polymers. Their physicochemical properties will be assessed with respect to targeted applications.
Funding: ANR-19-CE06-0009