Florent Pawula

Category: Alumni
Status: Postdoctoral researcher
Employer: University of Bordeaux
Team: Polymer materials for Electronic, Energy, Information and Communication Technologies
Supervisor: Guillaume Fleury
Location: B8-Bu5-West
(0033) 5 40 00 84 32
Key research areas: Thermoelectric transport in polymers and organic/inorganic crystals
Education and experience
PhD in Physics – Université de Caen Normandy
Teaching activities
Université de Caen Normandie (2016-2017)
- To first year BSC: experimental methodology, basic knowledge on mechanics, linear optics, electrodynamics, hydrostatics, heat capacity & electronic circuits.
- To third year BSC: advanced knowledge on thermal and electronic transport, extensometry, magnetic susceptibility, ferromagnetism and Schrödinger equation
Scientific production
He is the author of 2 published articles (Physical Review B 2019 and Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2019), 1 accepted book chapter (Thermoelectric properties beyond the standard Boltzmann model in oxides: A focus on the ruthenates in Thermoelectric Energy Conversion: Theories and Mechanisms, Materials, Devices, and Applications. Elsevier), 1 submitted revue (Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2020) and 1 article to be submitted (Physical Review B 2020). He was invited speaker at Université de Tours (2019) and talked about his research in 2 international conferences (Research workshop on Spin, Charge and Energy Currents in Novel Materials 2017 and International & European Conference of Thermoelectricty 2018), 1 national conference (Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique Thermoélectricité 2017) and 1 regional conference (Institut de Recherche sur les Matériaux Avancés 2016)