Valérie Héroguez

Valérie Héroguez picture

Category: Alumni

Status: Senior researcher

Employer: CNRS

Team: Polymerization catalyses and engineering

Location: N1-10

33 (0)5 56 84 79 44


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Key Research Areas: Polymer chemistry – Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) – Polymerization in dispersed media (emulsion, dispersion, mini- microemulsion) - Polymerization of Pickering emulsion – Synthesis of advanced nanoparticles : multifunctional, stimulable – Synthesis of (bio)active (bio)materials – Encapsulation


Education and experience

      Dr Valérie HEROGUEZ graduated from the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie et de Physique de Bordeaux” (ENSCBP) in 1986. She began polymer chemistry researches in 1986 at the University of Bordeaux 1 and got her PhD in Polymer Chemistry in 1989. She was recruited by the CNRS in 1989 and joined LCPO as Associated Scientist to work on structures-properties relationships in ROMP. She became Senior Scientist in 2005. Her current research area includes the ROMP of cyclo-olefins and macromonomers and the synthesis of advanced functional nanoparticles (by macro-, micro-, miniemulsion, suspension or dispersion polymerizations) for applications in aeronautics, nanotechnology… In the recent years, she has been focusing on the use of “green” particles to stabilize and polymerize Pickering emulsion, including direct, reverse and double emulsions.

Scientific production

Dr Valérie HEROGUEZ authored more than 118 publications, 8 book chapters and 12 patents 

Latest publications

  • Photo-induced ring-opening polymerization of trimethylene carbonate-based liquid resins: Towards biodegradable patterned coatings figure

    Photo-induced ring-opening polymerization of trimethylene carbonate-based liquid resins: Towards biodegradable patterned coatings Journal article

    Zivic Nicolas, Brossier Thomas, Crestey Floriane, Catrouillet Sylvain, Chemtob Abraham, Héroguez Valérie, Lacroix-Desmazes Patrick, Joly-Duhamel Christine, Blanquer Sébastien, Pinaud Julien

    Journal title: Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume(s): 172, Page(s): 107128 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2022.107128 (2022)

  • Pickering emulsions stabilized by biodegradable dextran-based nanoparticles featuring enzyme responsiveness and coencapsulation of actives figure

    Pickering emulsions stabilized by biodegradable dextran-based nanoparticles featuring enzyme responsiveness and coencapsulation of actives Journal article

    Maingret Valentin, Chartier Coraline, Six Jean-Luc, Schmitt Véronique, Héroguez Valérie

    Journal title: Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume(s): 284, Page(s): 119146 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.119146 (2022)

  • Emerging Trends in Ring-opening Metathesis Polymerization figure

    Emerging Trends in Ring-opening Metathesis Polymerization Book chapter

    Cao Edgar, Pichavant Loïc, Trinh Thi Kim Hoang, Chemtob Abraham, Quemener Damien, Pinaud Julien, Héroguez Valérie

    Book title(s): Macromolecular Engineering: From Precise Synthesis to Macroscopic Materials and Applications 10.1002/9783527815562.mme0007 (2022)