Eric Papon

Eric Papon picture

Category: Faculties

Status: Full professor

Employer: University of Bordeaux

Team: Polymerization catalyses and engineering

33 (0)5 56 84 61 98


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Key research areas: Adhesion science - advanced materials through surface and interface design - design of polymers with adhesive properties - nano-organized and functionalized polymer surfaces - smart adhesive formulations



Education and experience

Eric Papon research interests are the adhesion and polymer science. He has explored various fields such as the elaboration of polymers with adhesive properties, the preparation of nano-organized and functionalized polymer surfaces and in addition the engineering of smart adhesive formulations. He supervised 15 PhD students and 16 post-docs and engineers. He has published 50 peer-reviewed articles, 8 patents, 3 book chapters and given 50 oral communications.


Achievements and functions

Since 2014 the activities of Prof. Eric Papon as vice-president of innovation and industrial partnerships are dedicated to the building and the structuring of the partnerships with industries, as well as technology transfer and innovation processes of the most promising and original academic creations, in all the fields promoted by the university of Bordeaux. Before becoming vice-president, he has been director of the material and systems institute of Bordeaux to develop the industry-university partnerships in the science and technology framework.

Member of the board of the SATT - Aquitaine Science Transfer

Member of the Scientific and Technological Orientation Committee (COST) - IRT Saint Exupéry (

Member of the Scientific Committee – FCBA (

Member of the Scientific Committee - MICA Carnot institute

Member of the board -  R&D institute for building energy transition INEF4-NOBATEK and co-president of the Scientific Committee

Member of boards (French Adhesion Society, Technological Research Centre (ALPHANOV, CATIE), Incubators (Bordeaux-Unitec, Bordeaux Technowest), Competitiveness Cluster (Aerospace Valley, ALPHA-RLH), Nouvelle-Aquitaine Development innovation


Scientific production

 Pr Eric Papon authored 57 peer-reviewed articles (H-index=18), 9 patents, 3 book chapters, and 50 oral communications.