Cyril Brochon
Full professor
The LCPO has a strong expertise in spectroscopy. Spectroscopy analysis allows to determine the structure and the conformation of molecules or polymers synthetized. Theses analysis may be qualitative or quantitative. We have at LCPO all instruments to perform Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR), UV-Visible and fluorescence spectroscopies. These advanced technics of characterization are essential to the progress of research project in the field of development and synthesis of innovative polymers.
Liquid state NMR experiments (1D, 2D NMR, DOSY experiment…) to characterize, assign or carry out structural and conformational studies on molecules and polymers of interest including synthesis (acrylates, styrene, oxirane, ethylene..) or natural one (lignin, polysaccharides, peptides,..). Structural and conformational studies of polymer typology (diblock, star, polymer particles,…)
- Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR): Pike GladiATR (Diamond crystal, Germanium crystal and heated plate up to 210°C)
- Transmission: Harrick demountable liquid Cell (DLC-M13) and Pike Heated Solid Transmission Accessory (up to 300°C)
- Specular reflection: Pike VeeMAX III