MAgnetic VEsicle Rotation-Induced Cell-Killing

Description: Magnetic polymersomes developed in our team around 2005 are a spectacular example of versatile nanovectors capable of releasing active substances at a tumor site under the action of a high frequency (HF) magnetic field that provokes local (i.e. nanoscale) heating of the membrane, enhancing its permeability. In a static magnetic field, these nano-objects undergo substantial elongation. If one fixes that shape by chemical crosslinking under magnetic field, these anisometric entities will give access to new delivery modes, such as the application of a magnetic torque on the cellular membranes (outer plasma membrane and intracellular organelle membranes) by applying a low frequency (LF) magnetic field. The MAVERICK project aims at studying the ellipsoid-like or more complex deformations of magnetic polymersomes (WP1), the biocompatibility and internalization pathways as a function of polymersome morphologies (WP2), and the magneto-induced toxicity on cells induced by LF or HF magnetic fields (WP3).

Funding: ANR-19-CE09-0024

Partners: Bordeaux Imaging Center (BIC), Laboratory of Nano-Object Physico-Chemistry (LPCNO, INSA-Toulouse), Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics (ICMM, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science)