Olivier Sandre

Olivier Sandre picture

Category: Faculties

Status: Senior researcher

Employer: CNRS

Team: Polymer self-assembly and life sciences

Location: ENSCBP Build. A - Office N2-24

+33(0)5 5684 7947


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Key Research Areas: Polymer nanoparticles - Nanoplastics - Magnetic micelles & vesicles (polymersomes) - Contrast agents for MRI - Theranostic nanovectors - Magnetic hyperthermia


Education and experience

Dr Olivier Sandre is tenured CNRS researcher since 2001. After his PhD in 2000 on the dynamics of pores in giant lipid vesicles supervised by Pr F. Brochard-Wyart in Curie Institute and a 1-year post-doc in California (UCSB) with Pr D. J. Pine and Pr D. K. Fygenson about physical measurements on biological tubules, he came back to UPMC in Paris in 2001 in Pr V. Cabuil’s team to work on polymeric systems doped with magnetic nanoparticles. He joined the LCPO in 2010, after collaborating with Pr S. Lecommandoux since 2003 on the design and study of magnetic polymersomes for theranostic applications (MRI combined with anti-cancer therapy).

Achievements and functions

Dr Olivier Sandre was adjunct professor of Waterloo University in Canada from 2012 to 2015 and received the 2012 Young Researcher award of the Physical Chemistry division of French Chemical Society (SCF) and French Physics Society (SFP) for his researches on self-assembled magnetic polymer composite materials. He was promoted senior CNRS researcher in 2014. From 2014 to 2016, he served as chair of the Sub-Committee 9 on Soft Condensed Matter at the Institut Laue-Langevin. From 2017 to Spring 2020, he chaired the board of the Condensed Matter division of the French Physics Society. In 2019, he was elected chair of the scientific council of the CNRS institute of chemistry (until end of 2023).

Teaching activities

Dr Olivier Sandre regularly gave lectures at the master and doctoral school level focused on magnetic nanoparticles, on vesicle membrane properties or on neutron scattering in soft matter. In particular, he gave a tutorial webinar available on-line about the neutron scattering techniques to study polymersSince 2021, he belongs to the Executive Board of Univ. Bordeaux Doctoral School in Chemical Sciences as representative of the Polymer sub-discipline of the PhD programme in Chemistry.  

Scientific production

Dr Olivier Sandre is coauthor of 111 peer-reviewed articles (91 journal papers, 20 conference proceedings), 3 book chapters, and filed 6 patents. All these articles or chapters are freely available in institutional repositories (100% Open Access rate).

Latest publications

  • Up-converting β-NaY0.8[Yb0.18Er0.02]F4 nanoparticles coated by superparamagnetic γ-Fe2O3 nanosatellites: elaboration, characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity figure

    Up-converting β-NaY0.8[Yb0.18Er0.02]F4 nanoparticles coated by superparamagnetic γ-Fe2O3 nanosatellites: elaboration, characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity Journal article

    Parvizian Mahsa, Mnasri Walid, Pleckaitis Marijus, Karabanovas Vitalijus, Khan Haziq, Nowak Sophie, Gam-Derouich Sarah, Ben Tahar Lofti, Sandre Olivier, Ammar Souad

    Journal title: RSC Advances, Volume(s): 14, Issue(s): 43, Page(s): 31486-31497 https://hal.science/hal-04722512/document 10.1039/d4ra00909f (2024)

  • Structure-Function Relationship of Iron Oxide Nanoflowers: Optimal Sizes for Magnetic Hyperthermia Depending on Alternating Magnetic Field Conditions figure

    Structure-Function Relationship of Iron Oxide Nanoflowers: Optimal Sizes for Magnetic Hyperthermia Depending on Alternating Magnetic Field Conditions Journal article

    Bejko Megi, Al Yaman Yasmina, Bagur Auriane, Keyes Jr Anthony C., Rosa Patrick, Gayot Marion, Weill François, Mornet Stéphane, Sandre Olivier

    Journal title: ChemPhysChem, Volume(s): 25, Issue(s): 22, Page(s): e202400023 https://hal.science/hal-04204571/document 10.1002/cphc.202400023 (2024)

  • Tailoring the pore structure of iron oxide core@stellate mesoporous silica shell nanocomposites: effects on MRI and magnetic hyperthermia properties and applicability to anti-cancer therapies figure

    Tailoring the pore structure of iron oxide core@stellate mesoporous silica shell nanocomposites: effects on MRI and magnetic hyperthermia properties and applicability to anti-cancer therapies Journal article

    Bizeau Joëlle, Journaux-Duclos Justine, Kiefer Céline, Freis Barbara, Ihiawakrim Dris, Ramirez Maria de los Angeles, Lucante Theo, Parkhomenko Ksenia, Vichery Charlotte, Carrey Julian, Sandre Olivier, Bertagnolli Caroline, Ersen Ovidiu, Bégin-Colin Sylvie, Gigoux Véronique, Mertz Damien

    Journal title: Nanoscale, Volume(s): 16, Issue(s): 33, Page(s): 15585-15614 https://hal.science/hal-04673341/document 10.1039/d4nr01388c (2024)