We are always looking for highly-motivated individuals to join the LCPO! Interested undergraduate and graduate students can apply to the following offers. They are also strongly encouraged to contact LCPO's researchers directly.
PhD Position in Polymer Chemistry & Physico-Chemistry/ Chemotaxis-driven delivery from asymmetric polymersomes

Category: Ph. D.
Duration: 36 months
Team: Polymer self-assembly and life sciences
Salary: €3400/month
Funding: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2023 (Proposal no:101168881)
Laboratory: LCPO
Contacts : Sébastien Lecommandoux , Angela Mutschler
Applicant profile
The candidate selected for this project should not have resided in France for a period of two years or more (MSCA Doctoral Network application). It is essential that the candidate possesses a robust background in either organic, polymer or supramolecular chemistry. Skills in physical chemistry, self-assembly, colloidal science would be appreciated. Interested applicants should send a letter, a detailed resume (CV) and contact information to Sebastien Lecommandoux (lecommandoux@enscbp.fr) and Colin Bonduelle (colin.bonduelle@enscbp.fr). The application to the doctoral program can then be done at the following link:(https://www.natprime.org/)
Project summary
The Lecommandoux group has longstanding expertise in the design, synthesis, and biological applications of polypeptide and protein-based nanoparticles, with a particular focus on polymer vesicles (also known as polymersomes). As part of a major European project (https://www.natprime.org/), the main objective of the PhD project will be to develop chemotaxis-driven delivery systems from asymmetric polymersomes. The PhD student will be synthesizing amphiphilic copolymers with the ability to phase separate and form asymmetrically functionalized Janus polymersomes. Surface functionalization with enzymes and targeting peptides will be performed and the study of the swimming properties in tubo to in vivo elucidated. The project entails secondments at University of Warwick and University of Strathclyde. The PhD candidate will work in the team “Polymer self-assembly and life sciences” of the LCPO (Laboratory of Organic Polymer Chemistry) in Pessac, France, under the supervision of Sébastien Lecommandoux and Angela Mutschler. Further information on the research interests of Prof. Sebastien Lecommandoux can be found on the following website.