Sébastien Lecommandoux

Sébastien Lecommandoux picture

Category: Faculties

Status: Full professor

Employer: Bordeaux INP

Team: Leader Polymer self-assembly and life sciences

Location: ENSCBP building A, office N1-44

33 (0)5 56 84 66 03


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Key Research Areas : Smart polymersomes – Polypeptide and polysaccharide synthesis – Block copolymer self-assembly – Biomimicry for (bio)materials design – Drug-delivery systems – Cancer therapy – Theranostics


Education and experience

Sébastien Lecommandoux received his Ph.D. (1996) in Physical Chemistry from the University of Bordeaux. After a postdoctoral experience at the University of Illinois (UIUC, USA) in the group of Prof. Samuel I. Stupp, he started his academic career at the Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques as Associate Professor in 1998 and was promoted to Full Professor at Bordeaux INP in 2005. He is currently Director of the Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques (LCPO-CNRS) and is leading the group “Polymers Self-Assembly and Life Sciences”. His research interests include the design of bio-inspired polymers for biomaterials and pharmaceutical develoment, especially based on polypeptide, proteins and polysaccharide-based block copolymers self-assembly, the design of polymersomes for drug-delivery and theranostic, as well as biomimetic approaches toward design of synthetic viruses and artificial cells. He published over 220 publications in international journal, 6 book chapters and 12 patents (3 being licenced), with over 18000 citations (h-factor 67, Google Scholar). He is also co-director of the joint laboratory LCPO-L'OREAL. Sébastien Lecommandoux is recipient of the CNRS bronze medal (2004), Institut Universitaire de France Junior Chair (IUF 2007), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry RSC (2017), Seqens Award of the French Academy of Science (2019), Member of the Academia Europaea (2020), XingDa Lectureship Award from Peking University (2021). He has been Editor-in-Chief of Biomacromolecules (ACS) since 2020 after serving as Associate Editor since 2013. He is also in the Editorial Advisory Board of several international journals, including Bioconjugate Chemistry (ACS), Polymer Chemistry (RSC) and Biomaterials Science (RSC).



Achievement and functions

Pr Sébastien Lecommandoux is currently Director of the Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques (LCPO-CNRS) and is leading the group “Polymers Self-Assembly and Life Sciences”. He trained 35 PhD students and supervised 35 postdoctoral researchers over the last 20 years, and was coordinator of more than 50 national and international research grants. He developed important interactions with industries in the field of pharmaceutical, biomaterial and cosmetic sciences, and is currently director of a joint laboratory between LCPO and L’OREAL. He also organized many international conferences and symposia, including Bordeaux Polymer Conferences (Chair of editions 2018 and 2022), ACS, MRS, EPF… Sébastien Lecommandoux is recipient of the CNRS bronze medal (2004), Institut Universitaire de France Junior Chair (IUF 2007), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry RSC (2017), Seqens Award of the French Academy of Science (2019), Member of the Academia Europaea (2020). He is also currently Advisory Professor at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Biomacromolecules (ACS) since 2020 after being Associate Editor since 2013. He is also in the Editorial Advisory Board of several international journals, including Bioconjugate Chemistry (ACS), Polymer Chemistry (RSC) and Biomaterials Science (RSC).

Teaching activities

Appointed to the ENSCBP, Sébastien Lecommandoux has always taught mainly in this generalist engineering school in chemistry and physics (and more recently in biology). His teaching is mainly dedicated to polymer science with a homogeneous distribution over the 3 years of engineering training, including lectures, tutorials and practical work. Pr Lecommandoux has also participated for a long time in the Bachelor and Master courses of the University of Bordeaux, bringing his experience in the field of block copolymers, physical chemistry and the interface with biology. Moreover, he assumed various responsibilities in the organization of the teaching activities, with in particular the responsibility for the practical work in polymers of the ENSCBP (1999-2006), the responsibility for the teachings in 1st year of the ENSCBP (2003-2006) and the structuration and responsibility of the 3rd year teaching program at ENSCBP about "engineering of polymers and formulation" (2000-2006).

Scientific production

Pr Sébastien Lecommandoux has published more than 220 publications in international journals and 6 book chapters, with over 18500 citations (h-factor 68, Google Scholar). He presented more than 290 oral presentations, including 260 on invitation, including 15 plenary and keynote lectures. He edited a book on Block Copolymers in Nanoscience and is the co-inventor of 12 patents, 2 being licensed to cosmetic or pharmaceutical companies. He is co-founder and chief scientific officer of the company Doxanano (See resume for detailed list of scientific production).

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