Florian Aubrit

Category: Alumni
Status: Postdoctoral researcher
Employer: CNRS
Team: Polymer self-assembly and life sciences
Supervisor: Olivier Sandre
Location: N2-23
+33 5 56 84 79 56
Key Research Area : Nanoparticle synthesis - Hybrid nanostructures - Self-assembly - Plasmonics - Magnetism
Post-doc Project : Anisotropic multifunctional nanostructures for theranostics and their characterization with depolarized DLS
education and experience
During a three-years formation at the École Normale Supérieure de Paris, Florian Aubrit got involved in materials chemistry through various internship in the fields of metallic and inorganic-based nanomaterials. He completed this experience with a PhD in Soft Matter Chemistry at the Commissariat de l’Énergie Atomique (CEA) in Saclay and the University of Bordeaux, about the development of plasmonic metamaterials made from the self-assembly of block copolymers and gold nanostructures. He has now joined the LCPO within the framework of the European M-Era.Net project “Flexible Magnetic Filaments” (FMF) in close partnership with Cordouan Technologies, and aims at the development of both hybrid organic-metallic anisotropic structures for theranostics and the appropriate characterization techniques for such systems.
Teaching activities
Florian supervises practical laboratory experiments on nanomaterials or 3D-printing at the BSc and MSc levels of the University of Bordeaux.
Scientific production
2 papers, 1 patent, various communications