Chloé Grazon

Category: Alumni
Status: Postdoctoral researcher
Employer: University of Bordeaux
Team: Polymer self-assembly and life sciences
Supervisor: Sébastien Lecommandoux
Location: N2-33
Postdoctoral project : Dynamic micelles based on ELP and DNA
Starting in fall 2020, Chloé was recruited as tenured CNRS researcher at the Molecular Sciences Institute (ISM) of the University of Bordeaux.
Education and experience
Chloé Grazon joined the LCPO in 2017 as a Marie-Curie fellow between Boston University and University of Bordeaux. Before joining this lab, she received an engineer degree from ESCPI-Paris/PSL in 2009 and defended her PhD in chemistry in 2012at the ENS Cachan, under the supervision of Rachel Méallet Renault and Gilles Clavier. She then worked as a research engineer for 1 year at L’Oréal R&D and 3 years in a start-up company in Paris, named Nexdot.
Achievements and functions
2009: Michelin scholarship for master degree (10.000E);
2011: best oral presentation at the pol-IDF.
2017: Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow (Global fellowship) -Horizon 2020. SENSHOR project nº 749973.
Scientific production
15 peer-review articles, 7 patents, 1 book chapter
Scientific outreach
Dr Chloé Grazon participated to the 2019 European Researchers’ Night in Bordeaux.
Her postdoctoral work within the frame of SENSHOR MSCA-H2020 project was also highlighted by a press release of the CNRS institute of chemistry entitled "A new recognition element for biosensors" (in French).