Johanna Tran

Johanna Tran picture

Category: Alumni

Status: Postdoctoral researcher

Employer: Université de Bordeaux

Team: Polymer self-assembly and life sciences

Supervisors: Sébastien Lecommandoux, Elisabeth Garanger

Location: N2-29

+33 5 56 84 79 58


Key Research Area : Elastin-like polypeptides, Drug-delivery systems, Biomaterials

Post-doc project : Biomimetic nanomedicines for the treatment of glioblastomas



Johanna's phD work was about the synthesis and functionalization of biodegradable polymer for drug delivery for cardiac applications under the supervision of Dr. Julien Nicolas. She defended in December 2018. Then, she did a two-years post-doctoral fellowship at CEA Paris-Saclay where she worked on the formulation of flexible dosimeter doped with inorganic nanoparticles for dose measurements in complex beams radiotherapy. She has joined the LCPO since May 2022 under the project "NanoGlio".