Lou Delugeau

Lou Delugeau picture

Category: Alumni

Status: PhD candidate

Employer: University of Bordeaux

Teams: Polymerization catalyses and engineering, Biopolymers and bio-sourced polymers

Supervisors: Frédéric Peruch, Stéphane Grelier

Location: N0-17


PhD project: Controlled depolymerization of lignin for biosourced resins, in collaboration with Dr Nicolas Mano from the Centre de Rercherche Paul Pascal.

Latest publications

  • Homogeneous Polymerization of Kraft Lignin Using an Alkaliphilic Multi-Copper Oxidase (Bilirubin Oxidase) in a Borate Buffer figure

    Homogeneous Polymerization of Kraft Lignin Using an Alkaliphilic Multi-Copper Oxidase (Bilirubin Oxidase) in a Borate Buffer Journal article

    Delugeau Lou, Camy Aurèle, Alembik Léna, Poulin Philippe, Gounel Sébastien, Mano Nicolas, Peruch Frédéric, Grelier Stéphane

    Journal title: Polymers, Volume(s): 17, Issue(s): 6, Page(s): 779 https://hal.science/hal-04994960/document 10.3390/polym17060779 (2025)
