Team 2 : Biopolymers and bio-sourced polymers

Biopolymers and bio-sourced polymers logo

The ‘Biopolymers & bio-based polymers’ team is constituted of polymer chemists, together with organic chemists and physico-chemists having strong knowledges in the field of biomass.  The team is headed by Prof. Henri Cramail and involves Prof. Stéphane Grelier, Véronique Coma, Etienne GrauGilles Sèbe, Thomas Vidil, Frédérique Ham-Pichavant, and Cédric Le Coz.
Taking into account the methodologies and concepts of green chemistry, the objectives of the team are both to valorize the biomass for the design of high value-added ‘synthons’ & polymers and to design functional bio-based polymeric materials with original features for sustainable technologies.
Our research projects are today organized around three main axes, declined as follows:

  • Biomass deconstruction and ‘controlled’ depolymerization of biopolymers
  • Polymer synthesis from bio-based building blocks
  • Functional bio-based materials and sustainability

Our research activities are both fundamental and industry oriented. We strive to contribute to the forefront of polymer chemistry knowledge, while collaborating with many industrial partners interested in the latest advances of bio-sourced chemistry.

Latest publications

  • Thermal stability and degradation of a low refractive index photo-crosslinkable adhesive figure

    Thermal stability and degradation of a low refractive index photo-crosslinkable adhesive Journal article

    Godin Alexandre, Mailhé Clément, Barboure Jérémy, Le Coz Cédric, Vidil Thomas, Saci Abdelhak, Touzain Sébastien, Duquesne Marie

    Journal title: International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Volume(s): 139, Page(s): 103956 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2025.103956 (2025)

  • Homogeneous Polymerization of Kraft Lignin Using an Alkaliphilic Multi-Copper Oxidase (Bilirubin Oxidase) in a Borate Buffer figure

    Homogeneous Polymerization of Kraft Lignin Using an Alkaliphilic Multi-Copper Oxidase (Bilirubin Oxidase) in a Borate Buffer Journal article

    Delugeau Lou, Camy Aurèle, Alembik Léna, Poulin Philippe, Gounel Sébastien, Mano Nicolas, Peruch Frédéric, Grelier Stéphane

    Journal title: Polymers, Volume(s): 17, Issue(s): 6, Page(s): 779 10.3390/polym17060779 (2025)

  • Spatio-temporal investigation of the crosslinking and the mechanical properties in a UV-curable rubber bearing photo-dimerizable moieties figure

    Spatio-temporal investigation of the crosslinking and the mechanical properties in a UV-curable rubber bearing photo-dimerizable moieties Journal article

    Colanges S, Ballu K, Lamouroux A, Pecastaings Gilles, Ly Isabelle, Le Coz Cédric, Tassaing Thierry, Brunet T, Grau Etienne, Cramail Henri, Mondain-Monval Olivier, Vidil Thomas

    Journal title: European Polymer Journal, Volume(s): 223, Page(s): 113655 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2024.113655 (2024)