Cédric Le Coz

Cédric Le Coz picture

Category: Engineers

Status: Research engineer

Employer: CNRS

Team: Biopolymers and bio-sourced polymers

Location: N1-17

33 (0)5 56 84 61 93


Expertises: Micro-Compounder-Injection System – Thermal Analysis – Thermomechanical Tests – Rheology – Laser/Light Spectroscopy

Responsability of the Mechanical and Thermal Analyses, and of the Spectroscopies Platforms



Education and experience

Cédric Le Coz is a CNRS engineer. He received a technological B.Sc. degree in industrial chemistry in 2000, with a specialization in polymer science, and a M.Sc. degree with a specialization in chemistry sciences “aggregates and colloids” in 2003, both from the University of Bordeaux. In 2009, he joined LCPO as non-permanent engineer to elaborate and characterize polymers materials in the context of public/private partnerships. In 2013, he got a CNRS engineer position in LCPO Team 1 Polymerization Catalyses & Engineering, to take care of the Thermomechanical and Spectroscopy Services. He is currently member of LCPO Team 2 Biopolymers & Bio-sourced Polymers.

Achievements and functions

He coordinates LCPO “Equipment” Committee. He is also member of the LCPO Administrative Board and LCPO “Vie de Laboratoire” Committee.


Latest publications

  • Thermal stability and degradation of a low refractive index photo-crosslinkable adhesive figure

    Thermal stability and degradation of a low refractive index photo-crosslinkable adhesive Journal article

    Godin Alexandre, Mailhé Clément, Barboure Jérémy, Le Coz Cédric, Vidil Thomas, Saci Abdelhak, Touzain Sébastien, Duquesne Marie

    Journal title: International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Volume(s): 139, Page(s): 103956 https://hal.science/hal-04930898/document 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2025.103956 (2025)

  • Spatio-temporal investigation of the crosslinking and the mechanical properties in a UV-curable rubber bearing photo-dimerizable moieties figure

    Spatio-temporal investigation of the crosslinking and the mechanical properties in a UV-curable rubber bearing photo-dimerizable moieties Journal article

    Colanges S, Ballu K, Lamouroux A, Pecastaings Gilles, Ly Isabelle, Le Coz Cédric, Tassaing Thierry, Brunet T, Grau Etienne, Cramail Henri, Mondain-Monval Olivier, Vidil Thomas

    Journal title: European Polymer Journal, Volume(s): 223, Page(s): 113655 https://hal.science/hal-04884454/document 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2024.113655 (2024)

  • Integrating Mechanics and Bioactivity: A Detailed Assessment of Elasticity and Viscoelasticity at Different Scales in 2D Biofunctionalized PEGDA Hydrogels for Targeted Bone Regeneration figure

    Integrating Mechanics and Bioactivity: A Detailed Assessment of Elasticity and Viscoelasticity at Different Scales in 2D Biofunctionalized PEGDA Hydrogels for Targeted Bone Regeneration Journal article

    López-Serrano Cristina, Côté-Paradis Yeva, Habenstein Birgit, Loquet Antoine, Le Coz Cédric, Ruel Jean, Laroche Gaétan, Durrieu Marie-Christine

    Journal title: ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Volume(s): 16, Issue(s): 30, Page(s): 39165-39180 https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-04668504/document 10.1021/acsami.4c10755 (2024)