Megi Bejko

Category: Alumni
Status: PhD candidate
Employer: Université de Bordeaux
Team: Polymer self-assembly and life sciences
Supervisor: Olivier Sandre
Location: N2-13
Key Research Area : Magnetic nanoparticles - Hyperthemia - Targeted drug delivery - Drug release
Thesis project : Thermo-stimulated drug release under magnetic field
Co-supervised by Olivier Sandre and Stephane Mornet from ICMCB (Bordeaux, France)
Education and experience
2017-2019 Master on Advanced Materials, University of Bordeaux
2014-2017 Bachelor in Chemistry, University of Bordeaux, graduated with honors
Teaching activities
Assistant teacher at University of Bordeaux, Chemistry Department : Inorganic chemistry at Bachelor level
Practical sessions supervision & tutorials in classes
Achievements and functions
University of Bordeaux-Excellence PhD grant (2019-2022)
“Amadeus Scholarship” grant received for master program based on merit from the cluster of excellence Labex AMADEus; 2 year funding (2017-2019)