Sarah Nieto

Category: PhDs, Post-Docs & Temporary Engineers
Status: PhD candidate
Employer: CNRS
Team: Polymer self-assembly and life sciences
Supervisors: Sébastien Lecommandoux, Angela Mutschler
Location: N2-29
+33 5 56 84 79 58
Thesis Project : Conception of biodegradable polymer vesicles for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
Key Research Area : Ring-opening polymerization - Biodegradable polymers - Polymersomes - Drug Delivery
Sarah Nieto graduated from the “École Nationale Supérieure de Matériaux, d'Agroalimentaire et de Chimie” (ENSMAC, ex ENSCBP) in 2022, major in Formulation and Polymer Sciences.