Sifan Ji

Sifan Ji picture

Category: Alumni

Status: PhD candidate

Employer: China Scholarship Council

Team: Polymer self-assembly and life sciences

Supervisors: Sébastien Lecommandoux, Colin Bonduelle

Location: N2-29

+33 5 56 84 79 58


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Thesis Project : Photo-active polypeptides for nanomaterials
Key Research Area : Ring-opening polymerization - Amino acids - Photo-active and Biomimetic polymers


Education and experience

Sifan Ji obtained his Master Degree in Chemistry and Physics of Polymers from Qingdao University of Science and Technology (QUST) under the supervision of Prof. Zhibo Li and Prof. Jing Sun and focused on the synthesis and measurements of photo-responsive polypeptides. He is currently a PhD student of LCPO at the University of Bordeaux since 2021.